



(文章摘要)2019年冠状病毒病(COVID-19)大流行正在引发全球公共卫生危机。尽管学术界正在大力寻求新疗法,但在COVID 19的管理方面仍然没有“游戏规则改变者”。雷帕霉素的哺乳动物靶标(mTOR)是一种古老的信号系统,已被提出作为冠状病毒和其他RNA和DNA病毒使用的分子工具,以便在宿主细胞中复制和存活。近年来,间歇性禁食(IF),一种长时间严格限制卡路里的做法,由于其在多个健康系统和调节炎症方面的潜在益处而广受欢迎。IF抑制mTOR通路,类似于雷帕霉素在某些动物模型中的作用。mTOR抑制和促进自噬可能是IF在COVID-19中可能直接益处之间的关系,原因是病毒周期(蛋白质合成)中断。此外,IF在之前的多项研究中已被证明具有很强的抗炎作用,并且可能在减轻COVID -19严重程度方面发挥作用。本综述假设了与mTOR相关的病毒、免疫和代谢途径之间的可能交集,以及IF可能改善临床成果的潜在机制。未来需要前瞻性随机对照临床试验来评估间歇性禁食(IF)方案,以预防和治疗人类中度至重度形式的COVID-19。






3)《杀死体内病原体9方法,增强抵抗力(柏格医生)》(Hakobito-FMT 2021-08-28)




4.1)《肠道菌群与免疫系统(柏格医生)》(Hakobito-FMT 2021-05-08)
















6)《改善能量和修复脑雾的最佳方法 | 史蒂文·甘德里博士》(生酮饮食和轻断食2022-10-11)










Doctors in Europe and the United States discuss fasting therapy to prevent COVID-19


1) Is there any role of intermittent fasting in the prevention and improving clinical outcomes of COVID-19?Intersection between inflammation, mTOR pathway, autophagy and calorie restriction (Martin Gnoni)(NCBI 2021-06-04)


(Abstract) The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is provoking a global public health crisis. Even though the academic world is intensively pursuing new therapies, there is still no “game changer” in the management of COVID 19. The Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) is an ancient signaling system that has been proposed as a molecular tool used by coronaviruses and other RNA and DNA viruses in order to replicate and persist in the host cell. In recent years, Intermittent Fasting (IF), a practice consisting on a strict calorie restriction during a prolonged period of time during the day, has gained popularity due to its potential benefits in multiple health systems and in regulating inflammation. IF inhibits the mTOR pathway which is similar to the effects of Rapamycin in some animal models. mTOR inhibition and promotion of autophagy could potentially be the link between the possible direct benefits of IF in COVID-19 due to the interruption of the viral cycle (protein synthesis). Besides, IF has shown to be a strong anti-inflammatory in multiple prior studies, and may play a role in attenuating COVID -19 severity. This review hypothesizes the possible intersection between viral, immunological, and metabolic pathways related to mTOR and the potential mechanisms through which IF may improve clinical outcomes. Future prospective randomized controlled clinical trials to evaluate intermittent fasting (IF) regimens in order to prevent and treat moderate to severe forms of COVID-19 in humans are needed.


2) How to kill the virus to boost immunity, block virus replication, natural treatment (Dr. Berg)(BiliBili 2022-12-13)


(Extract) Fasting puts the body in a state of autophagy. When you do regular intermittent fasting (eating only one or two meals), you are cleaning up a lot of microorganisms in your body. Your body recycles old damaged proteins as well as microorganism, pathogens. Fasting is very important, especially periodic long fasting — 48 to 72 hours. Because it will not only directly remove some dormant pathogens in your body, but also strengthen your immune system. If you do regular periodic long fasting, you can basically create a new immune system, repair damaged immune system, strengthen your resistance against microorganisms. So it is a powerful weapon against the virus.


3) 9 Ways to Kill Pathogens in Your Body and Build Up resistance (Dr. Berg)(BiliBili 2021-08-28)


(Extract) Intermittent fasting also boosts immunity. When a animal get sick, they stop eating. If you get sick, you will lose your appetite. This is a natural way to a fight with pathogene.


4.1) Intestinal Microbiome and the Immune System (Dr. Berg)(BiliBili 2021-05-08)


(Extract) 70% of your immune system is your gut flora. The gut is surrounded by trillions of microbes in your body that contact and exchange with you. You give them a place to live. They give you immune protection, nutrition and other benefits. There are more than 10,000 kinds of beneficial bacteria inside and outside the body. Most of the microbes in your body live in the large intestine mucous layer, and above the mucous layer. In addition, the cells of the large intestine are protected by another layer of immune cells, which immediately attack and engulf the invader.When the body flora is out of balance, the flora of the intestinal lymph layer will be lost, and the lymph nodes and antibodies will be reduced.

Because intestinal flora is closely linked to the immune system, the reduction of intestinal flora will reduce T cells, and T cells can not distinguish good from bad, and the body “shoots” itself, causing serious internal damage and inflammation. The body has the ability to tell the trillions of cells that they are not pathogens, which are beneficial bacteria that work closely and are beneficial to the body. The body also sets up the environment for the beneficial bacteria to live without attacking or killing them. When gut flora is low, short-chain fatty acids are reduced, and butyrate helps blood sugar, improves insulin resistance, and improves immunity. If the intestinal bacteria are insufficient, the body can not produce B12, B1, vitamin K, biotin, and lactic acid (lactic acid will make it difficult for pathogens to survive). At the same time, gut bacteria hoard food and space, limiting the exsitence of pathogens. The lower the gut flora, the weaker the barrier, leading to leaky gut.

My opinion: autoimmune diseases originated in the gut. If you talk to people with autoimmune diseases, almost everyone have bowel problems. I’ve also talked about COVID-19, which attacks cells by attacking ACE2 receptors. As it happens, the intestine has more ACE2 receptors than the lungs. It’s an different way to get into cells, not just a lung infection.


4.2) Fasting greatly increases gut microbes (BiliBili 2021-05-06)


(Extract) Bacteria live longer in the animals that have a fasting — mice, fruit flies, worms — and increase their antioxidant capacity and resistance to foreign stress(exposure to a chemical). For example, fasting after chemotherapy, the beneficial bacteria in the body can live longer. Fasting diversifies microbes, reduces the damage caused by bad bacteria, and restores the positive epithelium (the protective lining of the colon). Fasting makes saccharomyces and candida starve to death, kills the bad microbes and helps the beneficial bacteria. Beneficial bacteria have many functions. They recycle and increase bile, which digests fat, absorbs fat-soluble vitamins, omega 3, and makes butyrate, a healthy fat that lowers blood sugar and insulin resistance. Microbes make branched chain amino acids (BCAA) that help neurotransmitters. Beneficial bacteria make vitamins, detoxify, and reduce inflammation. To protect and support these beneficial bacteria, it is necessary to do fasting.


5) Dr. Berg: How do you deal with the after-effects of COVID-19 (BiliBili 2023-01-05)


(Extract) After-effects of COVID-19 refers to the residual symptoms that may occur after infection with the novel coronavirus. Some symptoms may last for weeks or even months, depending on the severity of the infection. Has the virus penetrated deep into the lungs? Did it form scar tissue? The most important thing is that there are no pre-existing conditions, such as high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease and cancer, all of which are additional factors that prolong the recovery period.

As for after-effects of novel coronavirus,fatigue tops the list. The second is shortness of breath, especially during exercise. Cough, joint pain, and chest pain. There may also be other symptoms: depression, headache, recurrent fever, loss of taste or smell, pounding heart or palpitations. There are many ways to solve this problem.

Intermittent fasting, don’t eat breakfast, don’t eat between meals. Eat less, two meals a day, even one meal a day. What will happen next? You’ll boost your immune system, and your immune system will get stronger.


6) The best way to improve energy and repair brain fog | Dr Steven Delhi (BiliBili 2022-10-11)


(Extract) The best ways to improve energy and brain fog. Many patients come to me with feelings of low energy and fatigue. The number one cause of low energy is inflammation. Some of them have leaky gut and inflammation, leading to insulin resistance. So what are the things that I recommend first and foremost you’ve got to take care of your gut health, to get your energy levels back.

Years ago we knew that there were nerves in the gut that communicated to the brains and that’s where the word gut-brains connection from. In fact, nerve cells more neurons surrounding in your gut than are in your entire spinal. That’s why many people call gut is the second brain. More importantly, the third component to the gut brain connection is the microbiome. Many of the things we attribute to neurons are the microbiome talking to the brain. Cut out sugar in your diet. Sugar will breed harmful bacteria in your gut and harmful bacteria stimulate inflammation in the white blood cells surrounding the gut.

Second: restrict your eating window. This is actually one of the best ways that I’ve found and others have found to make yourself more flexible opposed to insulin resistance. Intermittent fasting or eating window. Restriction time controlled eating is initially hard to do because most people who are insulin resistant fall flat on their face when they stop eating. So the trick is to get closer to this gradually. If you have breakfast at 7 am next week, we will have breakfast at 8 am and wait only one hour. We have a holiday next weekend and will have breakfast at 9 am. We will do so in a week. We’ll have weekends off, so every week we’ll add an hour to the time it takes to start our first meal, and you’ll be surprised in five weeks.

Third: sleep. Sleep really lets your brain go through a cleansing cycle, clearing out toxins and accumulated poisons. There must be a lot of blood flow to your brain to accomplish this. So the trick is, if you eat near bedtime, the blood from your heart flows to your gut to digest the food you eat, and not as much blood flows to your brain. So the simple rule is don’t eat in three hours before going to bed. Going to bed when you’re not eating also extends your eating window, giving your brain a chance to clean up. Unless you have a overnight repair, downtime to clean out your mitochondria and clean out your brain, you can do all the other tricks and you still might be exhausted and there is still brain fog right now.


{Editor’s note: Although there is a large amount of data on fasting therapy by the European and American medical circles, only a few doctors in the European and American medical circles have talked about the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 by the  fasting therapy, and they only talk about it theoretically, without any case study. Hopefully, someone will do a trial study and publish the results, perhaps this method can effectively prevent and cure the global COVID-19 disease.}